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Miami Bound Page 7

  ‘Be brave,’ he said simply, and led her inside.

  The diner was not much brighter than the damp and gloomy evening outside. Neon beer signs and a handful of pinball machines supplied most of the illumination, along with three dark-green lamps hanging from the ceiling above three pool tables. No one seemed to notice them walk in, which was not surprising considering the thick mist of cigarette smoke.

  They went and sat on two high stools at the bar, close to a jukebox. A quick glance told David the songs inside it were all at least fifteen-years-old. A gaunt biker-type wearing a sleeveless denim vest over black leathers pants exchanged a couple of dimes for a few minutes of pounding heavy metal. He gave Minnie’s face a rather blank stare, before checking out her legs in the short denim cut-offs David had provided for her by taking a knife to her jeans. The man mumbled something about her nice tight ass, and ambled back to his pool game.

  David signalled the barman, and ordered two beers. The bottles arrived a minute later, and he touched Minnie’s elbow to indicate she should follow him to a booth. She was unusually quiet, and he left her to her thoughts to go write his name on a board, putting himself in line for a game of pool. The group of bikers eyed him with amusement and reluctant admiration; not many middle-aged men had balls enough to ignore their unsavoury reputation and take them on at their own game.

  In the next couple of hours David won some and lost a few others. The bikers liked his accent, which pegged him as an outsider just like them, and it was not long before they were buying him beers.

  ‘Does the lady want another drink?’ asked the jukebox patron, the question put to David, not Minnie. ‘I’d sure like to buy her one.’

  ‘I’m sure she does,’ her master said, using this opportunity to set his plan in motion. ‘She’s hitching a ride south, and if she didn’t have the money to buy herself a bus ticket, then she probably doesn’t have enough to buy herself another beer.’

  Within moments a fresh bottle was placed at her elbow. ‘How far do you wanna go, little lady?’ her rough admirer asked her, almost politely.

  David sank the blue ball and picked up his beer. ‘I’ve already taken her all the way,’ he answered for her. ‘Now I’ve just got to unload her.’

  Grinning, the biker studied David intently for a moment. The Englishman was an enigma to him. He was travelling the West coast alone, he was not afraid to mix with bikers, and he had obviously sampled the charms of a lovely young American girl.

  ‘I get your drift, buddy,’ he said finally, and turned his attention back to Minnie. ‘Is your friend right? You looking to work your way south?’ He emphasised the word ‘work’, and spoke loudly enough that his friends interrupted their game to wait expectantly for her reply.

  ‘I’m going south, yes,’ she said quietly while looking sweetly up into his bloodshot eyes with her own big brown ones, ‘the easiest way possible.’ She was hopelessly confused. David had said she was to spend the next two nights with a trucker, and yet he appeared to be giving her away to a bunch of bikers. Yet she had no choice but to go along with whatever he had planned for her. She could only assume he had changed his mind.

  David motioned for her to join the action by inclining his head towards the pool table, and despite her anxiety, Minnie announced she wanted to play, and slipped out of the booth.

  ‘Let the lady through,’ her admirer said loudly, ‘she wants to play with us.’

  The rough-and-tumble group hooted their approval, and the atmosphere lifted almost miraculously. Minnie immediately became the centre of attention, and true to her trusting and fun-loving nature she relished every minute of it. She had never played pool before in her life, but that certainly did not stop her from trying to learn right then and there, and her suitor, whose name turned out to be Bobby, was more than happy to teach her by helping her line up her shots. Standing behind her, he pressed himself tightly up against her and bent her over the table so his hard crotch dug into her soft bottom.

  David left his slave to enjoy all the attention she was getting, and satisfied his curiosity about the bikers by talking to each one of them in turn. He discovered they were a local chapter about twenty strong, and that most of them worked as mechanics. By chatting with the bartender, he also learned the bikers had a lodge about five miles up the road they used for wild parties, and just to crash in.

  ‘They call it the Gang Bang Ranch, and the way your friend’s behaving, I’m pretty sure she’s gonna find out why.’

  Minnie was bent over the table lining up a shot and Bobby was leaning into her. He had his hand resting alongside hers on the pool table as he showed her how to make a bridge with her fingers over the cue, and after she took the shot, her caressed her arm as they both straightened up. Then he boldly cupped one of her breasts and kissed the side of her neck.

  David’s cock reacted to the sight, and his brain followed it as he scanned the diner. He noticed a dozen or so truckers looking enviously at the bikers, who had taken possession of Minnie. She was one of the few females in the bar, and the only truly attractive one. Little did these drivers know how lucky one of them had almost gotten tonight, but it was not to be. David had learned how to adapt to changing circumstance, and this was such an occasion. He began pondering the possibilities of Gang Bang Ranch, and decided Minnie should pay it a visit.

  When Bobby disappeared into the lavatory, David took Minnie another bottle of beer and drew her aside. ‘Be yourself,’ he told her firmly.

  ‘Where are you going?’ she asked in alarm.

  ‘Not far, don’t worry. Just go with the flow, as they say, and live the experience. I’ll be watching you the whole time, I promise.’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean,’ she protested weakly. ‘I - ’

  ‘Just do as I say, and be yourself.’

  Bobby stepped back out into the bar, and saw David and Minnie talking together. He liked the Englishman, but he was not going to tolerate anyone outside the chapter moving in on what he now considered his property. He strode purposefully up to the furtively whispering pair.

  ‘Just saying goodbye,’ David explained, and squeezed her arm as he began walking away. ‘I’m sure you’ll be all right here, Minnie. One of these guys will give you a lift.’

  Somehow she managed to restrain herself; she did not cling to him and beg him not to go, although she longed to do so. She did not know if she was just being paranoid, but suddenly all eyes in the diner seemed to be focused not just on her, but very specifically on her pussy, as if lustful thoughts had the power to burn away the denim concealing it. Music throbbed loudly from the jukebox and the pinball machines chimed, yet all sounds seemed muffled compared to how loudly her own heart was beating as all the energy in the room seemed to concentrate itself in one place - her. She felt almost sick with anxiety as David walked out of the diner, and left her alone with dozens of rough and horny men.

  She desperately remembered his promise: ‘I’ll be watching you the whole time’. It made her feel a little safer as she glanced around her. Bikers and truck drivers were as far from the clean-cut college kids she had enjoyed on the beach the previous night as she could possibly get. These men were older, and meaner. Then she saw the way Bobby was looking at her as he bent over the table to take a shot.

  Doing her best to look relaxed and not give away the scent of her fear to this pack of human wolves, she walked up to him. ‘What pocket you aiming for?’ she asked him sweetly.

  David sat in the RV for a while to make sure Minnie did not bolt. He need not have worried. It was dark outside and the activity in the diner was visible through the misted glass. She was drinking and playing pool and swaying to the music as though she felt perfectly at home.

  Occasionally a hand would graze her bottom, or one of the men would pull her playfully down onto his lap, but that was all, for now. No doubt they were saving the real action for Gan
g Bang Ranch, and he reckoned he had about an hour to find it before they took her there.

  The bartender’s directions proved to be spot-on. David had prepared a story in case there were other bikers at the ranch. He would say he had become lost looking for Coquille, which his map told him was a few miles further south.

  As he turned onto the dirt road the bartender had indicated, he kept an eye out for a good place to hide the RV. He was lucky and found a clearing about a half-mile from the house. His vehicle was now invisible from the road, and there was enough space for him to turn it around and park it facing in the right direction for a quick getaway.

  He got out and in complete darkness made his way carefully between trees and undergrowth that had not been cut back in years, if ever, and grew almost right up to the building. ‘Ranch’ proved to be a rather grandiose term for a two-storey wooden-frame house. It was, however, a good-sized lot, with a large veranda running around the entire bottom floor.

  There were three bikes parked out front - all Harley Davidson’s. They were all polished until they gleamed in the faint starlight visible above the trees, and in top condition, which was more than could be said for their unkempt, and often overweight, owners.

  David was distracted from his admiration of the bikes by noises coming from inside the house. The room closest to where he stood was lit by a couple of lamps partially obscured by furniture. As he watched, a tall silhouette approached the French doors, pushed one open and stepped out onto the veranda. The man was smoking the remnants of what looked like a thin cigar, which he finished off and tossed carelessly into the bushes.

  A well-stacked girl in a black leather miniskirt and a white lace bra strolled unsteadily out of the house behind him. She was also wearing a pair of knee-high leather boots with tall thin heels. She was sipping a beer, and by the way she walked it was obvious it was not her first. There was just enough light for David to make out that she was a striking girl with a tangle of jet-black curls and distinctive features; high cheekbones and a full, pouting mouth.

  She fell into the porch swing, and began rocking back and forth in a sultry parody of a naïve country girl sipping lemonade. Her companion turned towards her, and they laughed when he joined her on the swing and set it into violent motion by kicking against the veranda rail with his thick leather boot. He then slipped his large hand beneath her hair, gripped the back of her neck, and shoved her face down into his lap. He took her beer from her so she could use her hands to open his pants, and sipped it contentedly as she dutifully sucked him.

  David crouched down behind some bushes to wait for Minnie’s arrival as he enjoyed the scene on the porch. A moment later another biker emerged from the house. They seemed to grow them big in this part of the world; the new arrival was also tall and stocky and boasted a thick beard. He joined David as a spectator, leaning against the rail to swig his beer while casually assessing the girl’s oral skills.

  The pulsing growl of approaching motorcycles rent the still night air, and everyone looked their way, including David, who peered down the lane and saw the beams of several bikes lancing through the trees. The first rider to come into view was Bobby, and perched behind him on the seat, her arms wrapped around his chest and her hair streaming behind her, was Minnie. There were three other riders, and they all appeared to be in high spirits. Instead of parking straightaway, they rode around and around in a tight circle for a minute, revving their engines while whooping and shouting. And Minnie - who David could tell was quite drunk - contributed to this mechanical powwow with Banshee-like shrieks of her own.

  Several times a high-intensity headlight swept over David’s position behind the bushes, but no one noticed the face peering out at them from between the branches. When the engines were finally cut, the profound silence that followed was almost unnerving. Then a third biker emerged from the house and tossed a six-pack of beer at Bobby, who caught it, took a can for himself, and passed it on.

  The girl on the swing had stopped blowing her partner to greet the new arrivals. She managed not to trip as she swayed down the veranda steps in her spiky heels, and walked straight up to Bobby.

  ‘Hey, Angel,’ he said fondly.

  Angel was staring at Minnie. ‘Who’s this cute little thing?’

  ‘We brought you a playmate. Her name’s Minnie.’

  ‘Hi, there.’ Angel smiled and caressed Minnie’s cheek as though she was a life-sized doll that was all hers now. ‘You’re a pretty little thing.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Minnie smiled back. She had enjoyed the older girl’s touch; it was soft and cool and strangely sensual. Angel looked extremely sexy to her with her tousled dark hair, and her white bra straining to contain enviably full breasts. She seemed very sure of herself, and Minnie admired that. There was also something intense about her face that made it impossible for her to look away.

  ‘Ever been with another girl, baby?’ Angel came directly to the point.

  Minnie shook her head.

  ‘Think you’d like it? The boys love a good show.’

  Minnie’s response was to let Angel lead her up the steps. The bikers followed them, talking and laughing in anticipation.

  David changed his position in order to see what was happening in the house. He had no intention of missing any of the action.

  Minnie was taken to a large room, the bare walls of which were lined with overstuffed armchairs and sofas. A log fire crackled angrily in the hearth, its red glow blending luridly with an assortment of coloured lights - green, blue, purple and orange. The space was a psychedelic nightmare, and a heavy metal CD was playing.

  Angel turned to Minnie, and guided her head into her cleavage in a parody of maternal affection as the men settled down around them, resting heavy, oil-stained boots on ripped cushions, and balancing cans of beer on wooden armrests pockmarked with holes from the tips of burning cigarettes.

  Watching through the window from outside, David was surprised at Minnie’s response to Angel’s overtures. She cupped the other woman’s heavy breasts almost hungrily, and kissed her right back. Smiling, Angel pulled Minnie’s shirt off over her head, and exposed her lovely delicate bosom to the room. The bikers cheered the sight, and they went on cheering every kiss and every caress the two girls gave each other. Their roars of approval were clearly audible over the pounding music, especially when Angel removed her own bra. Her breasts were large and firm, and her dark, erect nipples were just begging to be sucked.

  She popped the first button on Minnie’s denim cut-offs, and revealed a tantalising glimpse of white panties. The tension was rising, and then Minnie surprised David again by dancing away from the other woman in rhythm with the music as she continued unbuttoning her shorts. She positioned herself in front of a couch full of bikers, turned around, and pointed her cute bottom straight at them. Then she hooked her thumbs into her shorts and began pushing them down. The cheering died away as her captive audience leaned forward, eager to catch the first glimpse of her pussy.

  When both her shorts and her panties passed over the beginning of the valley between her cheeks, the men all seemed to hold their breath, and David saw a number of them swallow hard in anticipation of the sight to come as they adjusted cocks swelling uncomfortably inside leather pants and jeans.

  Bobby was closest to Minnie, and consequently had the best view. She wriggled her buttocks in his face, and slowly pushed her shorts and panties all the way down her shapely legs.

  ‘Just look at that,’ Bobby said in wonder, ‘she’s as smooth as a baby!’

  ‘Hey, Angel, get your snatch alongside the kid’s,’ another voice demanded. The gruff tones emanated from a middle-aged man with a scar that ran from one cheek to the other across his nose. The angry pink line split his face in half, and had not done much to improve his personality. ‘Come on, bitch,’ he said, standing up impatiently. ‘Get your ass over here. I just can’t be
lieve two women can have such different cunts.’

  Even as Angel obediently approached the couch, Bobby was pulling Minnie down to her knees and positioning her facedown over it.

  ‘You too, bitch,’ scar-face hissed, and a younger, clean-shaven man stepped in when he grabbed Angel’s arm with the intention of forcing her down beside Minnie.

  ‘Take it easy, man,’ he urged. ‘Chill, will you, Jake? Everyone’s having a good time here.’

  Jake turned to face him, but kept a possessive grip on Angel’s arm. ‘No, you fucking chill out, man. There’s plenty here for everyone, just so long as me and Bobby go first. I ain’t sticking my dick up no creamed hole after you.’

  The younger biker glanced nervously around the room, but no one caught his eye. It was chapter rules - the main men went first.

  Angel was forced alongside Minnie, and her skirt hiked up to her waist. She was accustomed to being treated this way, and she rested her cheek placidly against the threadbare cushion. There was always an element of fear living at the Ranch with so many men having free access to her all the time, but she thrived on it. She loved living outside the law and seeing the nervous looks people gave them when they hit the towns in roaring droves. She enjoyed watching the women’s faces most of all. They all pretended to look shocked as she rode through the main street on the back of a hog, her long legs parted around the one-hundred-and-twenty horsepower engine thumping between her thighs. The women in their flower-print dresses would hurry their children inside, but Angel could see it in their eyes that they fantasised about sitting on a powerful machine with their arms wrapped around a hard and uncompromising man.

  Jake grabbed hold of Angel’s panties and ripped them off. There was no accompanying cheer; every man in the room had fucked her before, and more than once. Jake looked across at the new girl.