Miami Bound Page 5
He carried some chairs and a folding table out of the RV and set them up on the sand. ‘This looks like a good spot to spend the night,’ he murmured to himself. Then he said more loudly, ‘Fetch me a beer, Minnie.’
She had anticipated his desire. ‘Here you go.’ She handed him a sweating can.
‘You know,’ he took a sip without bothering to thank her, ‘there’s something about the ocean that makes one think of freedom.’
‘Like that seagull back at the diner; he was free, too.’ She reached up on tiptoe to plant a soft kiss on his cheek. ‘A bit like us.’
‘Don’t you feel as though you’ve got no worries at all when you’re listening to the waves?’
‘Yes,’ she whispered, unconsciously echoing the hiss of the tide. ‘When I was young we only went to the beach a few times, but I remember my mom always looked happy there, and I’d be buck naked in the sand without a care in the world.’
‘Would you like to be buck naked in the sand again?’
‘With all those guys around?’ Her breath caught. ‘Do you want me to be?’
‘Yes. Get undressed.’
Even though she was a bit confused by his attitude, she did as he told her to. In less than a minute she was standing completely naked beside him, her shoes and clothes lying in a small untidy pile beside one of the RV’s large tyres.
‘Come inside,’ David ordered, tossing his empty can away carelessly; he would make her clean everything up later.
She followed him into the camper as obediently as the puppy she reminded him of when they first met, and he grabbed her by her tiny waist to prop her up on the edge of the sink.
‘What are you doing?’ she asked with ill-concealed excitement.
By way of an answer, he pushed her legs wide open and sprayed several lines of shaving cream over her pubic hair. Then gently, enjoying the task, he caressed the lather into her mound and over her vulva until it expanded into soft white foam. He scooped up two little balls of it with his fingertips, and playfully decorated her nipples with them. She giggled, but fell breathlessly silent again as he picked up a razor and moved it slowly up and down over her mound. That was the easy part; shaving her labia was going to be a bit more difficult. The danger involved made him nervous and inevitably aroused him, combined as it was with her absolute faith in him and his abilities.
He began with the delicate skin between her inner thighs and her pudenda, moving the razor slowly and carefully. Then he used the fingers of his other hand to penetrate the thick foam and smooth down the pouting lips of her sex before he brought the blade’s sharp metal tongue into contact with them. ‘How does that feel?’ he asked her quietly.
‘It feels really nice,’ she murmured.
‘You’ll look lovely,’ he assured her.
‘It feels sexy,’ she acknowledged.
When he was finished, he lifted her down off the sink and cleaned her up with a wet towel. She moaned as he caressed her pussy with the slightly rough terrycloth, a bit more forcefully than necessary, and made as if to slip her arms around his neck.
‘Your friends are here,’ he announced, stepping back out of her reach as they both heard the loud crunch of tyres outside on the rocky ridge.
She gave a little cry of mingled fear and excitement and covered her freshly shaved sex with both hands. Her mound was flushed a delicate rose colour from the caress of the razor, followed by his vigorous rubdown.
‘Go get your panties,’ he commanded her, ‘and bring them to me.’
She ran out of the camper, and returned almost immediately. ‘They didn’t see me!’ she panted.
‘Leg up,’ he instructed.
‘Yo there, anyone home?’ a voice called from outside.
‘We’ll be out in a second!’ Minnie yelled.
‘Now get one of my white T-shirts,’ David said as he pulled her panties up her slender legs and her rosy pussy disappeared from view.
She quickly found one in his suitcase, handed it to him, and helpfully raised her arms.
‘The waves won’t wait!’ another impatient voice warned them.
‘We’re coming!’ The folds of David’s T-shirt descending over her head muffled Minnie’s cry, if not her excitement. It was much too big for her, of course, and covered half her slender thighs.
When they finally stepped outside together, the four young men were already in the ocean. Their surfboards were lying across the sand and they were playing with a ball, apparently trying to see how many times they could hit it back and forth before it landed in the water.
‘Go join them,’ David said when Minnie remained standing beside him looking unsure of herself. ‘Go on. Have some fun.’
‘What about you?’
Smiling, he glanced down at the fresh beer in his hand, and then squinted up at the sun beginning its gradual descent into the sea.
One of the boys saw her, and shouted her name as they all turned and waved, urging her to join them. She smiled at them, waved back, and ran towards the water.
David watched her racing across the sand. The strong ocean breeze blew up her T-shirt, and for a few tantalising instants her white panties were visible. Her whole body was firm, and her bottom quivered slightly as she ran and the muscles beneath her tender cheeks did their work. She sprinted through the waves breaking and ebbing on the shore, and then high-stepped her way to the edge of the group of boys, who were much taller than she was and could wade in deeper. She glanced over her shoulder at David, and smiled at him before she turned back to the game. She hit the ball when it flew her way, turning sideways to catch it, and with the sun hitting her straight on, her small breasts were clearly visible as they bounced up and down inside his T-shirt. The waves lapping against her quickly soaked the thin white cotton, which clung even more revealingly to her petite but curvaceous figure, and the young men could not help but notice.
David watched the scene with a pleasantly detached curiosity. She fit in well with the boys, who struck him as decent lads. They played together well, with no sign of the power struggles young men usually suffer from. Then a high throw Minnie had no hope of catching sent the ball plunging into the water before her. But naturally she tried to catch it, lost her balance, and vanished beneath the waves.
Just as David expected, the tall blond chap was there to help her when she surfaced. He held her steady against him while she ran her hands over her laughing face and smoothed her hair back out of her eyes. Her T-shirt was now almost completely transparent and clung to her in a way that left little to the imagination. Her breasts would be distinctly visible to the young men, and from his angle David could see the sweet ridge between her buttocks where the material had ridden up and was now deliciously trapped.
The game then got a little rougher; also a development David had anticipated. Minnie ended up in the water a lot, which kept her shirt nice and wet, and the young men took turns wrestling the ball from her.
David watched the youngsters playing for about fifteen minutes before he turned away from the water and wandered up the cliff in search of driftwood. He could cook and sleep in the RV, but he felt like lighting a fire on the beach and spending at least part of the night outside, like a castaway.
There were no rich pickings, but he managed to collect an armful of dry branches, which he piled up on the sand in front of the RV. The sun would soon be kissing the horizon and was casting a flaming path across the darkening water. He waved at Minnie, who was now perched high above the waves on one of the boys’ shoulders, from which she was mock wrestling two other laughing young men, using both her arms and her legs to fight them as she laughed happily. After a few minutes she was expertly transferred onto another strong young back, and that way they all got to feel her pussy against their skin, with flesh kept away from flesh only by a skimpy pair of soaking wet panties.
This time David walked along the beach, where he found and collected bits of flotsam and jetsam, including a pair of fluorescent pink thong panties, very sporty and very sexy. Apparently this was a popular spot for lovers.
As he strolled back in the direction of the campsite he noticed the surfboards were gone, and he spotted Minnie and the boys far out in the water waiting to catch a wave. The ocean was a little too calm, but they managed a few short rides. Minnie didn’t surf, of course, but she looked perfectly happy cheering her new friends on.
Smiling indulgently, David turned his full attention to building a fire. The dry wood was ablaze in seconds, and sending trails of white smoke reaching for the first few impatient stars appearing in the sky. Satisfied it would burn for some time, he then got out his recently acquired fishing rod and set off again down the beach. It only took him about forty-five minutes to land three gleaming sea bass. To the delight of the swirling seagulls, he topped and tailed the fish right there, and then threw the entrails into the sea. The birds descended in a squawking, riotous mass as the sun finally dissolved into the red water like a final drop of divine blood.
Feeling pleased with himself, he returned to the cove and stoked the fire. In the RV’s tiny kitchen he then prepared the fish by stuffing them with fennel and chives and sprinkling them liberally with sea salt and pepper. While he was so engaged, the youngsters returned from their fun in the water. They had been to their campers for towels and were drying themselves off. No doubt the boys were hoping Minnie would take off her wet T-shirt and let them see what they had been surreptitiously feeling up for hours, but she disappointed them by drying her legs and her hair and then sitting down next to the fire. Her admirers would have to content themselves with watching her T-shirt dry.
David emerged from the RV, and she smiled at him joyfully. She looked stunningly innocent at that moment, which prompted him to bend over and give her a light but lingering kiss on the mouth. Her lips tasted of salt, and were as soft and succulent as the inside of a mollusc.
A stocky lad with dark hair walked back from the camper carrying a case of beer and a radio, and the festivities began in earnest.
‘Oh, where did you get those?’ Minnie asked when a short while later David brought out the stuffed bass.
He rolled his eyes and everyone laughed, including Minnie.
The tall blond boy’s name was Paul, and he was curious about how David intended to cook the fish.
‘Like this,’ he said and, using a length of wood to separate the burning logs, revealed a bed of embers. He brushed those away, and exposed three flat stones he had earlier placed in the fire. He drizzled some oil over them, which sizzled appetisingly as he laid the fish across the hot rocks. Dinner was ready in a matter of minutes.
They ate the fresh bass with their fingers, and everyone agreed it was delicious. At one point, each one of the young men looked over the flames at David to nod his approval, and the older man knew it was not only his culinary skills they respected. Darkness had long since fallen; the only light came from the flames of their campfire. Outside its cosy glow, the night was an impenetrable inky black. The moon was not yet visible beyond the eastern cliffs.
‘Who’s up for a swim?’ Paul asked suddenly.
‘Swimming at night is a bit dangerous, isn’t it?’ Minnie replied, looking in the direction of the ocean. The rolling sound of waves unfurling against the shore and then hissing back out in the form of dangerous undertows, obviously struck her as menacing in the absolute darkness.
‘Nah, just keep your eyes on the fire, and you’ll be fine.’
‘Let’s do it!’ his friends all cried in chorus.
Minnie was still hesitating when David leaned towards her. ‘Live dangerously,’ he whispered in her ear.
‘Aren’t you coming with us?’ she asked anxiously.
He looked around him at the four young men waiting so intently for his answer the fire-lit air almost crackled with tension. ‘I’m a little tired,’ he announced. ‘You go ahead.’
‘But what if the flames goes out?’ Minnie was still clearly not sold on the idea of a nocturnal swim.
‘I won’t let them,’ David promised her, and once again her absolute faith in him brought his penis to attention as she leapt eagerly to her feet.
‘Okay, let’s do it,’ she said, and they all ran whooping and cheering towards the heaving black mass of the Pacific Ocean.
David watched them disappear, and then heard their half triumphant, half shocked screams as they hit the waves. He knew the heat from the fire had warmed their flesh and would make the water feel very cold, at least at first. He smiled, threw some of the rubbish and uneaten food into the fire, and then grabbed a beer to take back to the RV.
Minnie was about fifty yards from the beach and treading water. In the glow of the fire she saw David walking back towards the camper with a beer in his hand and, suddenly, she felt very alone. There was a sprinkling of bright and energetic stars above her, and when she turned her back on the fire, it was impossible for her to tell where the ocean ended and the sky began. It was a spooky experience that tightened her stomach muscles as she experienced that rush of excitement mingled with danger she was becoming familiar with, and her fear brought with it a heightened sense of awareness. Her eyes stared intently into the darkness trying to spot anything unusual, anything that might prove a threat to her vulnerable young flesh, and she shuddered at the thought of a shark swimming invisibly and silently around her, ready to sink its fatally sharp teeth into her defenceless body. Her nerves prickling with primeval instincts of self-preservation, she turned back in the direction of the RV, and saw a tiny red flash inside it. David was sitting in the driver’s seat smoking a cigarette, and the knowledge that he was looking her way made her feel irrationally safe. He was giving her some freedom, but he was still there to protect her... and in return, he was expecting to be entertained...
The water suddenly exploded beside her, but her scream was cut off as an irresistible force pulled her under. She fought her way to the surface, and was greeted by a ring of young men surrounding her very much like a group of hungry sharks. She took a deep breath to yell out David’s name, but Paul’s mouth cut off her cry. He tongued her deeply before shoving her towards Gary, who reluctantly relinquished her to Steve, after which Darren finally got his turn.
‘Bastards!’ she gasped.
Four strong hands pressed down on her head, and she went under again. When they finally let her come up for air she barely had time to catch her breath before another eager tongue slipped between her lips. They passed her around a second time, subjecting her to hungry kisses that might have been mistaken for desperate efforts at mouth-to-mouth resuscitation except for the hands leisurely fondling her breasts. The cold water had stiffened her nipples and made them especially sensitive to being tweaked and pulled and rubbed, and her breasts rose and fell swiftly in an effort to escape all this attention while she also kept struggling to catch her breath. Then she went under again, only this time it was because someone was tugging on her panties, and she was not allowed to resurface until she stopped fighting to keep them on. They slipped down her legs as if ripped off her by a powerful undertow, and this time a hand slipped between her thighs as a fat and salty tongue filled her mouth.
‘Well fuck me,’ Gary said in wonder, ‘her pussy’s shaved smooth as can be!’
Beneath the water, a school of hungry hands reached for her sex.
Whimpering, Minnie went the way of all outnumbered prey since the beginning of time, and surrendered. The young men became increasingly aggressive the more turned on they got, and her only defence was not to fight them. She was not even sure she wanted to, really, or maybe her mind was simply overloaded by the myriad of sensations demanding its attention. Her bottom, her breasts and her pussy were all being squeezed and caressed at once, and she felt the unmistakable hardness of
erect cocks nudging her belly and her lower back. They were pulling her closer to the beach while they kept passing her around between them, and as each kiss grew longer and more insistent, she felt urgent thrusts from expectant hips demanding to mount her. Someone had to take charge.
‘Take her up to the beach,’ Paul ordered. ‘We’ll fuck her in front of her old man’s camper so he can watch.’
David was waiting patiently. He had just lit another cigarette when five half naked bodies ran into the halo of firelight. Minnie was still wearing her T-shirt, but it had hiked up around her waist and he could see her panties were missing. Gary was leading her by the hand, and he spread himself out on the sand in front of her and pulled her down on top of him. Immediately four hands tugged the T-shirt up over her head, and David got a tantalising glimpse of her delicate body before it was surrounded like a deer by a pack of strong young lions beginning to feast on her.
He remained a not entirely passive observer in the darkness of the RV. He had removed his clothes and was sitting naked in the driver’s seat, his penis erect and swollen and pressing insistently against his belly. He took it in his hand and slowly began stroking it. When his orgasm threatened, he pulled on his cigarette and the smoke helped relax him enough to continue watching the scene unfolding out on the sand in the flames’ passionately flickering spotlight.
Gary was still lying on his back, and Minnie was sucking his cock while offering her bottom up to Paul. Steve and Darren knelt on either side of her, waiting their turn. Judging by the way she kept lifting her face off Gary’s rod and throwing her head back, Paul’s penis was too big and too hard for her tight little arse, but he kept thrusting it in and out of her cheeks’ smooth divide. Then suddenly she opened her eyes, and looked straight up at the glowing tip of David’s cigarette. She knew then that he was watching her, and everything was all right, because this was what he wanted, and she was pleasing him. Her face sank down over Gary’s cock again, and her head bobbed efficiently up and down as Paul pumped himself in and out of her buttocks with increasing urgency. He kept a firm grip on her hips as he banged her, and when Gary gripped her head to run it up and down his prick at his own pace, it left Minnie’s hands free to reach up and grip the two cocks waiting impatiently to enter her. It was a totally sluttish, and yet also strangely graceful gesture.