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- Henry Morgan
Miami Bound Page 2
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Page 2
From the outside, the lodge looked like a large trapper’s cabin, but on the inside it was comfortably modern. A huge stone fireplace took up one entire wall of the living room, and from above the mantel a mounted moose’s head stared balefully down into the room. Bill turned a key, and a moment later the room was bathed in the warm glow of firelight. It was a comfortable space that immediately made the girls feel at home. Two large overstuffed sofas covered with Indian throws faced each other in front of the hearth, and between them lay the outstretched pelt of a snarling polar bear. Mishka giggled when she saw it, and said something to her sister in their native tongue. Both girls then sank to their hands and knees on the bear’s back and buried their faces in its soft white fur.
The two men stepped closer to the fire to better admire the tight young bottoms on display, for the girls’ skirts hiked up around their hips as they bent forward.
‘I’m going to miss this view,’ David said thoughtfully.
‘I’ll write you about it,’ Bill teased him, and went for some drinks. When he returned, the two girls were sitting on the sofa across from David, who was talking to them about what he expected them to do now that they were his friend’s property. The two sisters were listening intently, and nodding every now and then to show him that they understood.
‘Everything okay?’ Bill queried, handing David his drink and sitting down next to him.
‘Fine. I was just explaining their duties to them.’
‘That’s good. I’d rather get off on the right foot than have to teach them from scratch. I’m getting a bit too long in the tooth for all that.’ He nodded towards a large leather belt draped across the back of a chair. ‘But it is there if I need it.’
‘I’m sure you won’t.’ David sipped his drink. ‘Unless you want to spice things up a bit,’ he added, and told the girls it was time to show the goods.
The sisters pulled their feet up onto the sofa, bent their knees and sat with their legs slightly parted. Both their pussies were freshly shaved.
‘Had them sheared this morning,’ David said. ‘Hope you like it.’
‘Would have done it myself,’ Bill replied. ‘Only hair between them legs is going to be my beard. I think I’d like to see some more of them sweet tits now and grab me some nice young ass. After all, I sure as hell paid enough for it.’ He rose and set his glass of bourbon down on the mantle while the girls unbuttoned their shirts, and then he sat down between them on the sofa.
Teena and Mishka each had full round breasts that looked like mirror images of each other’s. Grizzly revelled in their soft firmness, marvelling at the way they pushed back into his hand when he squeezed them. ‘Gonna miss this?’ he asked cruelly.
David got up, and began taking off his clothes. ‘For old time’s sake,’ he said, and tugged Mishka to her feet. Bill had pulled out his prick, and now he sat Teena down on it facing her away from him. The girl bounced happily up and down on his rigid pole as he spread her thighs wider, offering an excellent view of his thrusting cock to the other couple.
‘Down you go,’ David commanded, and pushed Mishka down onto her knees. There was only one place for her head to go, and that was between her sister’s legs.
Teena smiled happily. She had her pussy filled, and now she could see a tongue licking its way towards her clit. Grizzly’s big cock had forced her young hole into a tight oval around it, and her slippery lips hugged its veined length tightly. Then Mishka’s tongue explored his ball sac and his penis swelled even more in response to the delicious sensation. He moaned deep in his throat, and feeling the extra girth, Teena moaned, too. Then Mishka and David echoed their earthy mumblings as he knelt behind her and pushed his weapon into her silky sheath.
David was accustomed to using the girls for his own pleasure, but tonight was the last time he would see them naked, the last time he would smell their musk, the last time he would fuck their sweet young cunts. He settled his cock inside Mishka and let it soak up the moist warmth of her innermost flesh. He waited for her response, and it came in the form of the tiniest push against his hips. He slid out along her passage, and then slipped back in even more deeply, until the tip of his glands nudged the limits of her hot, dark space. The contact flowed from cock to cunt, and from cunt to tongue, and then from tongue to cock, and when Bill’s erection pulsed and passed its message to Teena, the circle was complete.
For a long time they carried on with the cycle of taking pleasure and passing it on at a relaxed pace. There was to be no pounding tonight, no leather, no whipping. It was gentle sex, and the girls received it gratefully.
David had forced them to serve many a cruel man, and he had been free and easy with the leather in the early weeks of his ownership of them. No doubt Bill would resort to the belt from time to time himself. The sisters were new to America and to the West, and they would get out of line as all women did from time to time, but their new owner would dole out his punishments wisely. These girls would make him rich, and in return he would allow them to enjoy all the benefits of capitalism. Teena would get her four-by-four, and Mishka her own cabin on the shore looking out towards the motherland.
But that was all in the future, and tonight David had a lot of memories to go through.
The rental car arrived earlier than David would have liked. Bill drew back the curtains, and signalled the driver that he had heard his irritatingly loud horn. The naked girls remained peacefully asleep on his king-size bed. He observed David’s sad expression as he dressed, and said, ‘I’ll leave you alone with them.’
‘No, I don’t think I’ll wake them,’ David quietly refused the offer. ‘I said enough last night. They’ll understand, wont they?’
‘They’re big girls,’ Bill pointed out, ‘and you can’t look after them forever.’ He left the room to invite the young man from the rental car agency in for waffles and coffee while he waited.
David, however, refused the offer of breakfast when he appeared in the kitchen a short while later, ready to go.
‘That’s it then,’ Bill said gruffly.
‘Guess so.’
They shook hands warmly, and David headed for the door.
‘Forgetting something?’ Bill called after him. ‘Like your money, for instance?’
David laughed, and wondered for a moment if he had forgotten on purpose, so he would not feel guilty about selling two girls he had grown so fond of.
Bill pulled a holdall out from beneath the sink. ‘Don’t feel guilty,’ he said, his advice betraying a sensitive insight into people’s thoughts no one would suspect of him.
‘Look after them for me,’ David said.
‘No worries.’ Bill handed him his cash. ‘Keep in touch.’
Chapter 2
There were many ways to get to Miami, but David was not acquainted with any of them. Obviously he could fly there, but where was the fun in that? From point A to point B and a nice selection of clouds to admire on the way. He wasn’t due to meet up with Justin for some time, therefore he decided he would make the trip the old-fashioned way, the pioneer’s way... well, almost. He would get himself an RV and drive to Miami. But during his travels, he had learned the hard way about distances, so he did in fact make the first leg of his journey by plane.
He flew to Seattle from Spenard airfield in the early hours of a May morning. The sky was jet-black and the stars looked close enough to reach. The wheels touched down on cool tarmac, and the gentle bump woke a dozing salesman who was clutching his bag like a comforter. He saw David watching him, and the two exchanged polite greetings before the plane’s engines roared their protest at being forced to a stop.
Outside the airport, David jumped into one of the waiting cabs and asked to be taken to a restaurant on the water. The driver loved these kinds of fares, and spoke eagerly into his radio trying to find out who was giving a kickback for delivering a customer.
He got his few extra bucks, the Lobster Pot got their customer, and David got great views of the ocean.
The nip in the air sent him inside the building to a table by the window, where he ordered a beer and a lobster, which was delivered to him lying peacefully on a bed of lettuce. He thanked the waitress, and made good with the pliers.
Seattle was not that far south, but he suddenly found himself regaining his sense of smell. The frozen north seemed to deny aromas their existence as nothing decayed up there; flesh remained flesh until something came along to consume it. Here, however, the oil of the harbour and the scent of the sea demanded his attention. It gave him a rush of sensation as he snapped a claw open and sucked out the meat. He had his teeth in the muscle when he noticed a waiflike young woman watching him from outside. She was balanced on the harbour wall, and she looked very hungry.
David was not a stranger to loneliness. Before he met Teena and Mishka, his had been a solitary existence. He saw at once that this girl knew what it was like to be alone; her expression spoke of a hunger for companionship as much as for food, so he took up the long two-pronged fork, pulled the last of the meat out of the claw, and gestured to her to come and eat.
The girl looked nervously at him for a moment before obeying his summons, but then she hesitated again at the entrance to the restaurant. Her clothes were unwashed and her hair was unkempt, but David saw past all that. Clothes made the man, beauty sold the woman. He motioned to her again, and she shook her head. He persisted and, finally, she took the momentous step inside. When the hostess intercepted her she pointed towards David, who smiled his approval. He had eaten at the best tables and scavenged scraps from the floor, and he knew people were more important than menus. He held the hostess’s eyes and, after hesitating for a long moment, she allowed the girl to pass.
‘Hungry?’ he asked when she finally arrived at his table.
She lied by shaking her head, and then sat across from him, silently watching him eat, for nearly ten minutes. He did not force conversation. If nothing else, at least she was in out of the cold. It was his waitress who pressed the moment.
‘Will the young lady be eating?’ she asked pointedly.
‘I don’t know,’ he replied. ‘Are you dining tonight, darling?’
The girl smiled at him, and shook her head again.
‘You must take some nourishment, my dear,’ David said in his most refined English accent. ‘Surely those bullies at the magazine can’t expect you to starve. Forget the pictures. Let them get someone else, I say. See if Claudia will do it. Or Naomi. You work much too hard on your image for those beastly photographers. Do try the shrimp avocado.’
The silent waif surprised him by replying, in plum English tones, that the shrimp avocado would be just fine. And a few minutes later, when the dish was set before her, she valiantly resisted the temptation to shove the whole lot into her mouth.
David leaned across the table and whispered, ‘Well done.’
She giggled, and accepted his offer of wine.
‘Warmer now?’ he enquired.
‘Much,’ she replied, and kept on eating.
He ordered dessert, a fruit boat for himself and a death-by-chocolate cake for her. After years in the tundra, he craved fruit. The cake he ordered simply because it was packed with calories, and the girl needed them.
‘Where do you go from here?’ he asked her as she wolfed down her dessert. He could risk talking now; if she bolted, at least she would do so on a full stomach.
‘I’ll find a boat,’ she replied quietly.
There was something unusual about her that attracted David. She had long dark hair parted in the middle and big brown eyes. She kept tucking one side of her hair behind one ear, but left the rest hanging over her right eye in a way that made him think of a puppy peering shyly out from behind a curtain. She did not seem the sort of girl who was accustomed to spending time on the streets.
‘No home?’ he pursued his gentle enquiry.
‘A long ways back,’ she said, staring dramatically into space. ‘A long, long ways.’
He smiled ruefully. ‘Not too long, I imagine.’
She cocked her head to one side, intensifying the puppy dog look, clearly wondering how he knew.
‘Your jeans,’ David explained. ‘You’re living rough, but they still don’t have any holes in them. I don’t see a bag, so I assume you have all your worldly possessions about your person. And you don’t have a coat because you don’t have anywhere to leave your things. All you own is what you’re wearing, which leads me to assume you left home about two weeks ago, just enough time to develop the charming street urchin look, but not enough time to think like one.’
‘Three weeks,’ she corrected him, trying not to look impressed by his powers of deduction.
She shook her head, and quickly scraped up the remains of the sinful cake.
She was a lot more relaxed now with alcohol, sugar and chocolate socialising in her veins. ‘Wrong again.’
‘Then I’ve pried enough.’
‘That’s all right, I owe you an explanation for the meal.’
Their waitress appeared again. ‘Can I get you two anything else?’
They had outstayed their welcome. David glanced at his watch. It was one-thirty in the morning. He paid the bill, and retrieved his rucksack from the cloakroom.
The girl laughed when she saw it. ‘Does that make two of us on the streets?’
‘If I can’t find somewhere to stay,’ he replied serenely.
They stepped outside, and began walking away from the restaurant. They had only gone about ten feet when the lights went out behind them, leaving them spotlighted beneath a street lamp.
‘So,’ she shivered and hugged herself, ‘thanks for the meal.’
‘My pleasure.’
The inevitable awkwardness followed.
‘I’ll be off now,’ she said, and stepped off the sidewalk onto the road.
‘Where will you stay?’
‘I told you, a boat. There’s always someone who forgets to lock their cabin.’
‘There’s no need for that. I’m booking a room in a hotel. Why don’t you stay with me?’
Her eyes betrayed how tempted she was by the offer even as she asked suspiciously, ‘How do I know you’re not crazy?’
‘Because you’re still not a real homeless girl and you have wits enough left not to fall into such a stupid trap.’
‘Stupid traps are usually the most lethal,’ she replied with remarkable astuteness for her age, but she stepped back onto the sidewalk beside him. ‘Where’s the hotel?’
‘Ah, you see, this is where you earn your room and board. I haven’t got a clue. You’ll have to suggest one.’
‘I know the perfect place,’ she declared at once. ‘It looks out over Elliot Bay. You’ll love it. But we’ll have to take a cab.’
‘There can’t be that many hotels still using oil lamps,’ David remarked appreciatively.
‘I know, that’s why it’s so special. I told you, didn’t I?’
David took in the antique wrought iron bed framing a large and lumpy down-filled mattress, and a long chaise lounge against one wall, as his guide opened a pair of French doors leading out onto a first floor balcony overlooking the harbour. The full moon, hanging low in the sky this late at night, cast a glimmering silver path of light across the black water.
‘That’s wonderful, too,’ she whispered, stepping outside.
David grabbed two cushions off the lounge, and joined her. He threw them down onto the concrete floor and kicked them close together.
‘I wonder what’s out there,’ she said dreamily, sinking down onto one of the cushions and gazing out over the water.
David open
ed his rucksack, and pulled out a metal flask along with the bone cup that remained one of his few treasured possessions. Then he sat down beside her, filled the cup with vodka, and offered it to her. She took a quick sip, and handed it back to him.
They repeated this ritual several times before he got up and stepped back into the room. He returned with a blanket he used to cover them both as he sank down beside her again, and leaned comfortably back against the wall.
‘You’ve been to lots of places,’ she said. ‘I can tell.’
‘A few,’ he admitted. ‘What about you?’
‘Me?’ She laughed. ‘I’ve never been south of Eugene.’
‘Is that why you ran away?’
‘Sort of... that, and other things...’
‘You don’t have to tell me.’
‘That’s all right... my mom’s boyfriend kept hitting on me. Whenever she left the room he’d start saying things.’
‘That must have been bad,’ he commiserated.
‘I could handle it, but then she said they were getting married and that he’d be my new dad. After that he stopped talking and started touching me whenever he got the chance, brushing up against me when I passed him in the hall, and things like that. I told him to stop it, but he said he was family now.’
‘Why didn’t you tell your mother about it?’
‘She wouldn’t have believed me. She was in love with him. And whenever she was around he’d be real careful not to let on to what he was doing. So, I thought, what the heck, I’m nineteen now, and I left.’
‘And how do you reckon you’re doing?’
‘God awful!’ She laughed again, and took another sip of vodka. Then she returned the cup to him and leaned her body against his.
‘Have you let your mother know you’re safe?’
Her firm, ‘No,’ was echoed by the deep bellow of a foghorn somewhere out in the bay.
‘She’ll be worried,’ David said matter-of-factly. ‘You should tell her you’re safe.’
‘I can’t trust myself to. She’ll ask me why I ran away, and I’ll end up telling her that Ted was putting his hand up my skirt, and we’ll start arguing.’ She looked up at a plane passing overhead. ‘More people going some place. I wish it was me.’