Miami Bound Read online

Page 14

  ‘Rickie doesn’t pay you to butt-fuck me,’ she retorted breathlessly, ostensibly refusing the offer. ‘I just like watching the show and making sure Mr Goldman gets his money’s worth.’

  ‘But maybe we’ll do you anyway, and Mr Jig here can sit back and watch two white girls get the shit fucked out of them by two big black men. Ain’t that what he’s here for?’

  Donna did not appear at all worried by the threat. She slumped down on the couch, lifted her knees, and spread her legs to give Vince a clear view as she pulled the material of her panties to one side and exposed her shaved pussy. Then she made a play of wetting her index finger and sticking it up inside her. ‘But maybe,’ she purred, looking him straight in the eye, ‘Mr Goldman will pull the plug on this sweet little deal you and your brother have here.’

  For the first time David felt truly nervous. Vince was giving Donna an evil stare. He had one piece of lovely white ass spread out for his amusement, but such is human nature that he wanted the one denied him. The large man stood up in front of Donna. His cock was straining with desire and pointing angrily at her. He unbuckled his leather belt, and pulled it through the hoops without taking his eyes off her. Then he wrapped it slowly around his fist three times, and raised his hand. But when he brought the belt down again it was across Kelly’s upturned bottom that it landed with a cruel smack. She squealed, yet she could do little to defend herself with Wayne’s erection embedded in her mouth and throat.

  ‘Fucking white whore,’ Vince muttered, turning back to Donna. ‘You get the fuck out of here before I lose my temper.’

  ‘That’s better,’ she answered calmly, pulling her finger out of her pussy, which was wet and glistening with her juices. ‘David and me will wait on the porch. Just make sure you fill her up good. Rickie likes her nice and slick when he bends her over his desk.’ She got up off the couch, and smoothed down her dress. When she had composed herself, she picked up her beer and motioned for David to follow her out through the patio doors onto the back porch.

  They settled down on two plastic chairs but kept the doors open so Donna could listen and make sure Mr Goldman was getting his money’s worth. If that included his lovely young bride crying out beneath frequent cracks of a leather belt, and pleading not to have her ass fucked so hard, then he was getting good value for his money indeed.

  Donna and David drank their beers and smoked a few cigarettes for the next hour or so while Kelly endured her weekly, and very exhaustive, ordeal. Occasionally, they heard her gasping, ‘No, oh no, please,’ but they also heard her screaming with pleasure as an orgasm ripped through her body, incontrovertible evidence of how much she was enjoying what the two big black men were doing to her.

  Once David could not resist looking into the house - he would have preferred to remain inside and watch the action - and saw Kelly perched on an arm of the couch. Her bottom was hanging over the edge, and Vince had his erection thrust up inside it. Wayne stood in front of the couch, and she was leaning towards him bobbing her head up and down his black shaft for all she was worth. Vince made her work more difficult, however, by pulling her head up high with the dog leash. Then when Wayne was ready to come, he grabbed her head with one hand and pumped himself with the other as he shot his viscous spunk into her open mouth. Kelly swallowed hard as he fired into her, and continued to suck him hungrily, until he grunted and nudged her head, and made it clear he wanted her to stop. He slipped his sensitive prick from between her pouting lips, and slapped her again, this time with his penis. He used it like a semi-soft truncheon, slapping her on one cheek and then the other while she chased the still thick and impressive tool hoping to get another taste of it.

  ‘You white sluts just love dark meat, don’t you?’ he taunted her, and she nodded and moaned shamelessly. ‘Show me how much you love being a black man’s whore,’ he said and, turning around, shoved his ass towards her.

  She reacted by immediately pushing her face between his muscled buttocks and eagerly thrusting her tongue into his sphincter.

  David smiled at the scene, and watched for a few more seconds before turning reluctantly back to Donna. She was sipping a fresh beer, and watching some kids playing basketball in a court cordoned off with steel fencing. ‘Wayne just shot his load,’ he casually informed her.

  She glanced at her watch. ‘Four o’clock,’ she observed. ‘Just Vince to go, and then I’ll get Kelly home before Rickie gets back from the office.’

  David resumed his seat as Kelly’s moans of ecstasy continued to emanate from the living room, accompanied by a stream of obscenities as Vince followed his brother and also shot his load into her.

  ‘What’s the deal,’ David asked his attractive companion, ‘with you and Kelly and this husband of hers?’

  ‘You could call me a moderator, or a mediator,’ Donna told him. ‘Some of our members call me “the go between”.’

  David was interested in what she was telling him, and let her see it.

  ‘I hooked up with a number of people on the newsgroup,’ she explained. ‘You see, there are a lot of crazy people out there, and it’s all about trust. I gave a few parties, brought a few people together, including Kelly and Rickie, and now I guess I just do this sort of thing most of the time.’

  ‘Do you work?’ he asked. ‘A real job, I mean.’

  ‘You saw those two,’ she answered. ‘What does it look like? I’ve got to spend time checking them out, making sure they’re not on drugs or dealing drugs, making sure they don’t have any diseases. It’s a fulltime job, believe me.’

  ‘And you have to know just how far to push them to get what you want,’ David elaborated. ‘I was very impressed with you in there.’

  She was somewhat taken aback by the fact that he knew just what she had been doing by riling Vince and Wayne earlier, and her eyes narrowed as she stared at his face, clearly still trying to place it.

  ‘Does it come naturally?’ he went on questioning her, wondering if the moment would come when she finally recognised him. ‘Or did you learn it from somewhere?’

  She looked at him even more intently. ‘I picked up some techniques,’ she replied slowly, ‘and learned the rest by myself.’

  David was about to ask Donna where she had learned so much when Wayne called for her to get the white bitch out of his house. So she and David got up, and returned to the living room to find Kelly bent face down over the back of the couch.

  ‘Where’s our money?’ Wayne demanded.

  ‘Now boys, you know the rules,’ Donna said patiently. ‘First I get to check the workmanship, and then you get paid. It’s just like working at a construction site. Think of me as your foreman.’ She stepped up to Kelly but she was looking at Vince. ‘Open her up for me, if you please.’

  He flashed her a look of contempt before he reached out to grip Kelly’s buttocks, and spread them open.

  ‘There you go.’ David thought Donna’s tone was dangerously patronising. ‘That wasn’t so difficult, now was it?’

  ‘Just hand over the money,’ Wayne cut in. ‘We’ve got places to be.’

  ‘Patience is a virtue, and first I have to make sure you boys haven’t been where you’re not supposed to go.’ She slipped the whole of her index finger into her mouth, drew it slowly and provocatively out again, and held it up in front of the scowling brothers.

  ‘We plugged her ass, that’s all,’ Vince insisted, ‘same as always. Do we have to go through this shit every time?’

  Rather ceremoniously, Donna pushed her index finger up inside Kelly’s pussy. She held it there for a few moments, infuriating Wayne and Vince and especially the latter, who was still holding Kelly’s bottom cheeks open. After a pensive moment Donna withdrew her digit and held it up to the light, where she rubbed a fine oily film between her thumb and forefinger. ‘Hmm...’ she pondered, ‘what do you think?’ She turned to David. ‘Have thes
e two boys been in the honey pot?’

  Despite being wary about the seemingly volatile situation he had found himself in, David was excited by the fact that he was finally going to get to touch Kelly himself. He had been enormously envious of the two brothers who had gotten to fuck her lovely bottom and come deep in her mouth, while he made do with a tin of beer and a neighbourhood basketball game. So he stepped forward and, foregoing Donna’s dramatics, slid two fingers into Kelly’s receptive pussy. She was understandably moist, but she was also relatively tight, and he reached the same conclusion that he guessed Donna already had reached.

  ‘No, I don’t think they’ve been in the honey pot,’ he announced, reluctantly pulling his fingers back out of the temptingly compliant young woman.

  ‘You’re sure she’s intact, David?’ Donna asked him soberly, and when he nodded, she smiled. ‘Good, I thought so, too.’ She then opened her purse and handed the brothers their money while Kelly straightened up, and returned to the kitchen for her clothes.

  Within minutes she was dressed just as she had been before, and looking every inch the pride of the tennis club.

  When the three of them were alone again in Donna’s Jaguar, Kelly again leaned into the front seat just like an excited child. ‘Christ, David,’ she said, ‘I don’t know if it was you being there, but Wayne and Vince gave me the best butt-fuck ever!’

  ‘I think you can thank Donna’s subtle manipulations for that,’ he replied. ‘She’s a clever girl. She had full control of Wayne and Vince just with her words. She knew just how far to go, and when to back off.’

  ‘I’m flattered,’ Donna said coolly. ‘You seem to know a bit about control yourself. Does it come naturally, or did you learn it?’ she echoed his earlier question.

  ‘I picked it up when I was around Malibu beach,’ he told her. ‘Ever been to Malibu beach, Donna?’

  Kelly shrieked and had to brace herself desperately to avoid being flung towards the dash as Donna suddenly slammed her foot down on the break pedal, bring the car to an abrupt halt. ‘What the hell...?!’ she gasped, but her voice trailed away when she saw the look of horror on her friend’s face. She glanced at David for some clue as to what was going on, but his eyes were fixed on Donna’s expression.

  Donna’s heart was pounding in her chest. The horrors of the International Club were all flooding back to her as she looked deep into David’s eyes, searching out his intentions. ‘I knew I knew you,’ she whispered, stalling for time. ‘Your voice... I just couldn’t recall when and where, but I knew I knew you.’

  David was enjoying her agitated state, even though he had no ill intentions. ‘How did you escape?’ he asked her, genuinely curious.

  ‘Escape?’ Kelly echoed. ‘What the fuck is he...?’ but her voice trailed away again. Donna had told her about her experiences in Pakistan, and she abruptly realised that must be where David and her friend had met.

  A car sounded its horn at them, but it took David’s voice to get Donna to react. ‘You’re blocking traffic,’ he pointed out gently.

  ‘Sorry?’ she looked at him blankly, obviously seeing another place and another time, not the highway ahead.

  ‘You’re blocking traffic,’ he repeated patiently, gratified by her reaction.

  She started, and floored the accelerator, sending Kelly plunging into the backseat. ‘Where are we going?’ Donna asked faintly.

  ‘I thought we were taking Kelly home,’ David answered, surprised by the question.

  ‘No,’ Kelly objected. ‘I thought we were taking you back to the restaurant so you could pick up your van. Isn’t that what we agreed on, Donna?’ She was making an endearing effort to protect her friend from a man who was clearly upsetting her.

  Despite how much fun he was having, David decided it was time to take control of the situation. It was obvious Donna was frightened and needed to be reassured. ‘Pull in,’ he directed her, ‘over there, in front of that bar. I’m not ordering you to stop; I just think it would be a good idea if you let me buy you a drink. I’m sorry, this is all my fault, I should have said something earlier.’

  ‘Okay,’ Donna murmured without looking at him, keeping her eyes fixed carefully on the road, ‘you can buy me a drink.’

  ‘Three whiskies,’ David said to the barman. ‘Large ones.’

  They sat at a table beside a window overlooking the street.

  ‘You’re a bastard,’ Donna finally broke the tense silence after she took her first sip of whisky. ‘I begged you to help me, and all you did was fuck me stupid and then leave me to rot with Javed and that horrible midget.’

  ‘What could I do?’ David asked reasonably. ‘Did you ever hear me say I was brave? Do you think I could have busted you out of there like it was some movie, or something? I was scared too, you know.’

  ‘Not too scared to beat me with that cane and stick your prick up me whenever you felt like it.’

  ‘It would have been someone else’s prick if it wasn’t mine.’ He assumed she had naturally preferred his.

  ‘I take it you two have met before,’ Kelly cut in sarcastically. She clearly found David’s measured tones and polite manner reassuring, although she had lived in San Francisco long enough to know they did not guarantee quality of character, or even sanity, for that matter.

  Donna turned to her friend. ‘Remember when I came back from Karachi and I told you about what happened to me in that club?’

  Kelly nodded. ‘Of course I do. How could I ever forget?’

  ‘And remember I told you about the time this so-called English gentleman came in and I thought I was going to be rescued at last?’ Kelly nodded. ‘Well, this is him.’

  ‘That was you?’ Kelly sounded more intrigued than outraged. ‘And you’ve been tracking her down all this time?’ She seemed to find the concept quite romantic.

  ‘Wait a minute,’ David said quickly, ‘I haven’t been tracking anyone down at all. Stalking may be an American pastime, but this was just coincidence.’

  ‘What?!’ Donna exclaimed. ‘You’re saying it’s a complete coincidence you ended up here in San Francisco in a bar with me? That’s some fucking coincidence, I must say.’

  ‘Do you know how long it’s been since I saw you in Karachi?’ he asked her patiently. ‘It’s been years. I’ve been halfway around the world since then, living in some hut in Russia freezing my balls off. And, I hate to say it, but you were the last thing on my mind.’

  ‘In Russia?’ Kelly sounded even more interested. ‘What were you doing in Russia?’

  ‘It’s a long story,’ he replied dismissively. ‘Let’s just say that people were after me. I’ve only just got it all sorted out, and now I’m on my way to Miami. I bought a laptop computer to beat the boredom of the road by surfing the Net, and I just happened to come across the Frisco Swingers.’

  ‘And you saw my ad?’ Donna asked. She sounded calmer, as though she was beginning to believe him.

  ‘Who didn’t?’ He laughed in an attempt to lighten the mood. ‘I recognised your smile at once, and I couldn’t resist calling you.’

  ‘As I recall,’ Donna said pointedly, ‘I wasn’t doing much smiling the last time you saw me.’ For a moment she seemed about to keep up the ‘I’m hurt’ attitude but then, suddenly, she smiled. Kelly smiled too, as if she had been waiting for her friend’s permission to do so, and David’s relieved grin completed the circle.

  ‘I’ll get us some more drinks,’ Kelly offered. ‘But don’t say anything more until I get back. I want to hear it all.’

  David and Donna sat in silence while she was gone, avoiding each other’s eyes by gazing over at the bar. Fortunately, Kelly was back in less than a minute.

  ‘Okay, I’m ready now,’ she said eagerly.

  ‘So, how did you manage to get away from Khan?’ David asked Donna again.

e held up her left hand, displaying a row of expensive rings. ‘Khan had a party, and along came Doug.’ She wiggled her wedding finger. ‘There were a lot of businessmen on the yacht, and a lot of girls. Khan had extra girls brought out from the club, and we were told to entertain the guests. When I realised how wealthy Doug was, I was determined to give him the best blowjob of his life followed by the best fuck of his life. I did, and they worked like a charm. He fell in love with me and asked Khan if he could buy out my contract. Khan asked a ridiculous amount for me,’ she lowered her hand while gazing at the large diamond adorning her gold wedding band, ‘but love shone through.’

  ‘Quite a romantic story, isn’t it?’ Kelly declared.

  ‘I have to admit, when I saw that film of you and the Japanese guy on the boat,’ David said quietly, ‘I thought you were dead. It was quite a wonderful shock seeing you on that newsgroup.’

  ‘I could have you arrested, you know,’ Donna informed him. ‘I could have you thrown in jail for what you did to me back there.’

  ‘But you won’t,’ David assured her placidly, before changing the subject slightly to take her mind away from such an action. ‘So what happened when you got back home? Did life get a little boring for you? Did you miss all the sex and all the attention? And Khan threw exciting parties; your life ended up being quite different from the one you had expected as a teacher, when you set out with the high moral ideal of helping bring a little civilisation to the natives.’

  Donna laughed, and finished her second drink. ‘That’s one lesson I learned for sure, to leave people alone and let them live however they want to, and believe whatever they want to.’ She pushed her chair back, and stood up. ‘That’s why I do the swingers scene here, because it’s for people who want pleasure but also just want to be left alone. Now let’s get going before these drinks get to me. I’ve got to get Kelly home safe and sound.’

  Chapter 8

  Kelly’s husband bought and sold real estate, and by the look of their home, he had kept the best property for himself. The house was Italianate, white and imposing, and made a definite statement about the pleasures of wealth from its hillside pulpit.