Miami Bound Page 13
He slowed down to enjoy his first sight of the bridge before he began his search for the restaurant where he had agreed to meet Donna. He was not a greedy man, but he sincerely hoped she was a member of the Frisco Swingers because she was looking for sex. The truth was, his exertions with Tammy had fed his desire rather than sated it. He pulled up at an intersection, and spotted the restaurant he was looking for half a block down the street.
David parked the RV behind the restaurant. Finding himself strangely nervous, he did not get out right away but instead remained sitting behind the wheel smoking a cigarette in an effort to relax.
Cars came and went, and he watched them impassively as he replayed last night’s events in his head, and in doing so he found himself increasingly aroused and in the mood for gratifying sex. He was hoping Donna was not going to disappoint him, and remembered the caning he had given her in the International Club in Karachi, and once again wondered how the young teacher had finally managed to escape the place.
She was one of the first girls he had indulged himself with, and he found her reappearance in his life by way of a virtual newsgroup extremely intriguing. He wondered how she would feel about once again meeting a man who had beaten her, fucked her over a table in Pakistan, and then ignored her pleas for help. He wondered if she would remember him, and decided to let the meeting unfold without revealing his identity to see if she recognised him first.
It was a hot and sunny day and a number of diners were eating outside at tables cordoned off from the pavement by a velvet rope. One of these customers was Donna. David recognised her at once even though she had dispensed with the blonde curls. She had dyed her hair black and bobbed it, very much like a nineteen-twenties Flapper girl. Steeling himself for the encounter, he walked up to her table and introduced himself. She was wearing sunglasses, but she took them off and smiled up at him as she offered him her hand. It was only then that David paid any attention to the other girl sitting at the table with her.
‘David, this is Kelly,’ Donna introduced them, noticing him looking at her.
He sat down across from them.
‘It’s nice to meet you,’ Donna continued politely. ‘Are you in town for long?’
‘No, just a few days,’ he replied, both relieved and disappointed that she did not appear to recognise him - at least, not yet. ‘It’s nice to meet you, too.’ He looked at Kelly and nodded to include her in this remark. He wondered if she knew why he was there. Surely she did, even though she had a delightfully naïve look about her.
A waiter appeared and Donna asked for a pitcher of water with lemon before sending him away again. While they waited for the water, the three of them perused their menus and commented on the light but tasty fare available. Talking about food broke the ice, and the atmosphere at the table quickly became pleasantly relaxed. The waiter returned with the water, and took their orders along with their menus. Then Donna asked David outright if he had ever used the Frisco newsgroup before to meet someone.
He was a little unsure how to reply, because Kelly’s unexpected presence had put him on his guard.
‘Oh, don’t worry about Kelly,’ Donna giggled, clearly sensing his discomfort, and her next statement shocked him even as it helped put him at ease again. ‘She’s here because she wants to be butt-fucked.’
‘Donna!’ Kelly gasped. ‘Do you mind? I’ve only just met David.’
‘Oh, not by you,’ Donna added when she saw David’s confused but hopeful expression. ‘Of that you can be certain.’
Kelly was young, barely twenty-years-old by the look of her, and David was suddenly determined that her first experience with anal sex was going to include him, one way or another. He did not appreciate being teased.
‘Have you met other people through the Frisco newsgroup?’ Donna asked him again.
‘I’ve met a couple of people, yes,’ he replied, but did not volunteer any more information.
‘Isn’t it great?’ she enthused. ‘Likeminded people looking for a good time - what a civilised concept.’
‘Well, it was certainly an interesting experience,’ he agreed.
The waiter arrived with their lunch, and the conversation was interrupted for a while as they began eating. David used the time to study the very pretty Kelly. Her long blonde hair was cut in layers and she was wearing a sleeveless white dress that added to her innocent look. Her sunglasses were perched on top of her head and she sported several, obviously expensive, items of jewellery. She looked very much a wealthy West coast daddy’s girl with her trim little waist that did not quite match the heavy fullness of her breasts. David suspected the presence of silicon, and lots of it.
‘Do you like fucking strangers, David?’ Donna asked him abruptly, successfully capturing his full attention yet again.
He deliberately made her wait for the answer. He motioned for the waiter, and ordered a shot of vodka. Then he looked Donna straight in the eye and said, ‘I like fucking just about anyone, provided she’s an attractive female.’
The two girls glanced at each other, and then giggled. Then Donna studied his face for a long moment and, as she did so, her brow furrowed and her expression changed. ‘You know, you look a little familiar,’ she said slowly. ‘Is this your first trip to San Francisco?’
‘Yes,’ he answered, telling the absolute truth. He had no intention of dropping his guard until he discovered what Kelly’s story was. She was obviously there for a reason, and he wanted to find out what it was before revealing his identity to Donna. ‘What about you two?’ he asked, moving the attention away from himself. ‘Are you an item?’
‘When we want to be,’ Donna replied shortly.
‘If the mood’s right,’ Kelly elaborated. ‘Or if our husbands ask us to be.’
‘You’re both married?’ David could not quite manage to conceal his surprise.
‘Don’t be so shocked,’ Donna reproached him playfully. ‘That’s why we’re in the group.’
‘Your husbands don’t mind?’
Donna laughed. ‘Kelly’s husband insisted on it. I mean, look at her.’
David was more than happy to oblige, and flashing him a beaming smile, Kelly straightened her back and proudly thrust out her over-developed breasts.
‘But, I’m confused,’ he said, at last managing to tear his eyes away from their spectacular beauty, much to the girls’ amusement.
‘Her husband’s Rick Goldman.’ Donna obviously thought she was clearing up the matter with such a brief statement.
David’s face remained blank, his eyes unable to resist flickering back to Kelly’s breasts every now and then.
‘You know, Goldman Holdings, the real estate people?’
He shook his head. ‘I said, I’m from out of town,’ he reminded them.
‘He’s lovely, but he’s seventy-three,’ Kelly explained patiently.
‘Oh...’ David looked from her bright face to her mouth-watering breasts yet again. ‘So I take it his love of figures extends no further than his bank account?’
Kelly smiled and shook her head. ‘Oh no, he’s as hungry now as he was when he was nineteen, I imagine, since obviously I wasn’t even born then.’ She giggled again at her own stupid statement. ‘It’s just that he likes me to have some fun with men my own age. He says I should get it every week, and so I do. He says that way I won’t have an affair and leave him. The poor man, he’s so silly.’ She stretched her hands out in front of her and admired her massive diamond wedding ring, which was surrounded by an assortment of other more colourful precious gems. ‘I would never leave my Rickie.’
Donna used her little finger to swipe away a crumb caught in one of Kelly’s cute dimples. ‘Want to see more of her?’ she asked David, and he was beginning to feel rather shell-shocked by how quickly things were progressing. Apparently, everything in America happened faster than an
ywhere else in the world.
As he hesitated and pondered the paradoxically vague but obvious offer, Donna groaned in mock despair. ‘You really are from out of town, aren’t you?’ she mused.
The red Jaguar with the soft top belonged to Donna. David had noticed it earlier as he pulled into the parking lot and admired it. ‘We’ll take my car,’ she announced.
The red leather was hot, and smelled new and expensive. Like the two girls riding in it, the Jaguar was designed to attract the eye.
‘Where are we going?’ David enquired, sitting up front with Donna while Kelly made herself comfortable in the backseat.
Donna slipped on her sunglasses. ‘Downtown,’ she answered briefly.
‘“Where all the lights are bright”,’ he murmured tunelessly to himself.
‘More like black,’ Donna corrected him. ‘Very black indeed.’
Kelly leaned forward between the two front seats. ‘And very fucking hard,’ she added saucily.
Donna hit a button and the roof began spreading over them. David looked out of his side-window. They were entering what was obviously an unsavoury neighbourhood. He saw groups of youths sitting out on dilapidated porches, or tinkering beneath the hoods of old cars and blasting repetitive music. They sped through this depressing urban scene sitting comfortably inside a forty thousand dollar car.
‘I take it Kelly’s about to get her butt fucked,’ David remarked with intentional frankness.
‘Right on the button,’ Donna said. ‘Pun intended.’
‘Your lover lives here, Kelly?’ David asked, and both girls burst into delighted fits of giggling.
‘Oh, how cute,’ Kelly gasped when her amusement had subsided somewhat. ‘Don’t you just love the way the English speak? It’s so sophisticated yet naïve.’
Donna furrowed her brow as she glanced again at the man sitting beside her. She seemed to be remembering something, but apparently she could not quite put her finger on what it was. ‘It’s a great accent,’ she agreed, turning her attention back to the road as she slowed down. ‘We’re almost there, David. Don’t lose your nerve in front of Wayne and Vince; they just like to intimidate people, and they’re what Rickie likes for Kelly.’
‘So that’s what I get,’ Kelly declared cheerfully.
The Jaguar only just missed the two posts holding up a tattered chain-link fence. Someone had decided to add a few more entrances with wire cutters, and Wayne, or perhaps Vince, had attempted to repair the damage with string.
‘What’s the deal?’ David asked, feeling just a bit uncomfortable. ‘I don’t get it. What’s going on?’
Donna pulled the Jaguar to a stop inside a carport that boasted what looked worryingly like a spray of bullet holes in the ceiling. ‘Just enjoy the show,’ she said jauntily. ‘I always do.’
The paint on the pinewood door was cracked and peeling, and in some patches was non-existent. It was immediately opened by a bald black man, well over six-feet tall, who ushered them into the house without a word. As they made their way down the corridor, the sound of the television grew louder and more insistent. It was tuned to a basketball game, and whether it was Wayne or Vince on the couch - and he was obviously the brother of the man who had opened the door - he did not deem it necessary to look up.
David had no idea what the rules of this strange scenario were, but he waited patiently while deliberately concentrating on the basketball game.
At last a commercial break released the seated man’s concentration from the screen, and he deigned to turn his head their way. ‘Who’s the cave boy?’ he asked laconically.
‘He’s a friend,’ Donna replied, ‘from out of town.’
‘Pleasure to meet you,’ David said. As the girls had warned him, he was indeed a little intimidated by the size of the two black men, who were both at least twenty years his junior, but he had been around the block a few times himself, and he managed to keep his nerves under control.
‘Take a rock,’ the basketball fan offered him a chair, and then looked at Kelly. ‘There’s a few six-packs in the cooler. I’m sure Mr Jig would like to chill out a bit before the main event.’
Just what the main event was David had not totally worked out yet. He knew it was sex, but when it was to take place, and in what form, appeared to hinge upon the length of the basketball game. He accepted the tin of beer from Kelly when she returned with it, and sincerely hoped that his hosts’ team was winning.
When they all had their drinks in hand and were seated in a semi-circle around the television, Kelly slipped off the couch and knelt between the feet of the two black men. By now David had managed to distinguish Wayne from his brother by observing the single gold earring in his left lobe. Vince wore no earring.
For the next thirty minutes no one said a word. Wayne and Vince spoke quite eloquently with their actions, however. Whenever their side played badly, or the other side scored, one of them, and sometimes both of them, slapped Kelly. She cried out softly each time, but other than that the beautiful young rich girl made no protest.
As the game neared its conclusion the brothers became more passionate and more animated, and she responded by putting her arms around their legs. Occasionally she would run her hands over their tight jeans and caress their cocks through the denim, even though they slapped her for that, too.
David did not need to be a rocket scientist to work out the scenario sure to unfold once the game was over. He looked at Donna, and watched her hand sneak beneath the hem of her dress and make its way between her legs. She was attempting to be discreet, but if the atmosphere became much more intense he had little doubt her discretion would quickly go the way of Kelly’s dignity.
Just then the intense but inanely pointless chatter of three studio pundits signalled the end of the game.
‘Enjoy that, Mr Jig?’ Vince asked him.
David was about to answer in the affirmative when Wayne suddenly shouted at Kelly. ‘What you doing, you stupid girl? Can’t you see the game’s over and me and my friends are dry?’
Kelly looked around the room. Her cheeks were red from being slapped, and the way she was sitting - with her knees up against her breasts - gave David a tantalising glimpse of her white lace panties.
‘Apologise to these people and get your ass in the kitchen,’ Wayne ordered uncompromisingly, and Kelly did as she was told. Her demeanour had lost all the carefree confidence David had witnessed at the restaurant and during the drive downtown, as she disappeared into the kitchen.
Vince called after her and told her to get herself ready. ‘We ain’t got no time to be messing with you today, girl,’ he said. ‘We got some business to attend to.’ He turned to Donna, who was silently, but rather obviously, squeezing her thighs together. ‘And why are you here?’ he demanded. ‘You ain’t due here for two days yet.’
‘Rickie thought you could use the money,’ she replied calmly. ‘But if it’s too much trouble for you boys, I mean, if you can’t handle it twice a week, I’ll take Kelly somewhere else.’
David did not consider this the wisest thing to say, and he could only hope Donna knew what she was doing.
‘What do you mean, “if we can’t handle it”?’ Vince challenged. ‘We could handle your little white ass fifty times a week if we wanted to.’
‘Where the hell are those beers?’ Wayne yelled. ‘We’re dying of thirst out here. Don’t make me come in there and get them myself, girl.’
Some unusual sounds were coming from the kitchen, and David wondered what on earth Kelly was up to in there. But after a few minutes he found out when she walked back into the living room carrying a tray and wearing nothing except her lace panties, her bra, and white high-heeled sandals. Although she was wearing one more thing - a black leather dog collar with a leash that hung down between her breasts. The collar was dotted with silver studs that made it look d
angerous, and contrasted erotically with her demure white undergarments.
Vince took his drink from the tray, and then slapped her hard on the bottom as she leaned over to offer the last beer to Wayne. She was wearing thong panties, and the black man’s powerful blow left a clear handprint on her white cheek.
Wayne tugged her chain, and forced her down to her knees in front of him. ‘Don’t ever try to distract me when the game’s on,’ he warned her. ‘You’re just lucky we won, or your ass would be on fire by now.’ He unzipped his jeans, and an enormous cock that was still only semi-erect rose up towards her face. He slapped her again and she pulled back. ‘What you doing?’ he snapped. ‘My cock ain’t over there. Where you going?’
Vince laughed at his brother’s treatment of the girl, and sipped his beer. For his part, David was enjoying the show too, and he kept his eyes trained on the lovely white girl now sucking a very big and very solid black cock. From the corner of his eye he discerned that Donna’s hand had made it up into her dress, and she was obviously caressing her pussy through her panties. From what he could glimpse she appeared to be shaved, just as he remembered her. He turned his head away from Kelly’s oral acrobatics - it did not seem possible she could get such an increasingly large penis into her dainty little mouth - and made eye contact with Donna. She almost seemed to be challenging him to say something, and the fact that he remained silent seemed to affect her. She moaned, and it became clear she was struggling to hold back an orgasm.
‘Take it deep, girl,’ Wayne ordered Kelly. ‘Get it all the way down that sleek white throat of yours.’
He was ordering the girl to deep throat him, and Donna and David watched, mesmerised, as Kelly made an effort to obey him and nearly gagged.
By now Vince was also aroused, and his equally impressive cock was on display as he looked at Donna and stroked it pensively. ‘You sure you don’t want a black dick up your tight white ass, baby?’